Brace yourself – winter is coming!
Doesn’t it take that much longer to get out of bed? The nights are getting longer and just like the economy, the temperature has started to drop too.
It is not only you who are feeling the bitter chill in the morning, your vehicle does too! A motor vehicle on average has roughly 10 000 moving parts and they all have to heat up and cool down with the ever-changing climate conditions.
Winter is upon us and we have to start to take consideration of what impact that might have on our trusty transportations. The cooler temperatures affect the lubricants inside the motor.
Many premium oils on the market are equipped to handle these conditions, but only for so long – they will need replacement on regular basis. Its conditions like these that start to wear your vehicle rapidly, as the lubricants start to battle to operate under adverse conditions.
So when you start to pluck up the courage to stop hitting that snooze button and get out of bed, remember that your vehicle needs this too.
At Steves Auto Clinic, we have taken the time to formulate a South African climate specific grade oil, to combat the harsh environment. There are not many other countries in the world that you wake up in the morning to -10° and have lunch in over 30° temperatures – this all has a major impact to the viscosity of the lubricants running through your engine on a daily basis.
With over 30 years in the South African motor industry, we have put our knowledge into what counts! So whilst servicing your vehicle at SAC, we can put your mind at ease.
We, at Steves Auto Clinic, have our shelves fully stocked with the highest quality grade oils, anti-freezes, greases and lubes.