SAC Join RMI and Offer Even More Customer Peace of Mind

We exist in a very competitive marketplace; there are many franchised and non-franchised workshops in South Africa who will go out of their way to pull you in as a customer. How do you choose the correct/suitable workshop today? Many promise the world in terms of service or discounted pricing, but how many deliver on their promises?

How can you be sure that you are dealing with an organisation that has more than just a responsibility to making a quick buck? What happens when things go wrong? More and more consumers feel that they are not treated fairly when it comes to service and quality standards. Here at Steves Auto Clinic this is not the case. All our SAC shops situated around the country are members of the Retail Motor Industry organisation (RMI).

This has been done in order to ensure you of the level of service and quality you can expect and to offer you even more protection and further peace of mind when it comes to dealing with us and receiving what you pay for. Having this peace of mind will help to take some of the guesswork out of making the decision of where to take your vehicle for its service, repair or overall maintenance.

Being part of RMI means SAC undertakes to:

  • Sell quality products and services at a fair and reasonable price.
  • Honour both in letter and in spirit any guarantees applicable to products and services sold by us.
  • Acknowledge that, should there be a dispute between a customer and one of our SAC shops, and it fails to be settled in a decent manner at management level, then the customer has the right to refer such a dispute to the RMI for investigation.

Being part of the RMI also means that we are part of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA). As consumer awareness and knowledge increases, the demand for quality services and parts has become a prerequisite for any vehicle repair establishment that wants to prosper.

As an accredited MIWA member, we offer a level of professionalism and credibility that sets us apart from the rest. Membership will also give you the surety that we will offer the correct repair equipment and appropriately trained staff to ensure that work is carried out in a professional and competent manner.

A major focus of the RMI is to educate the motoring public more on how best to protect themselves against sub-standard work, and MIWA accreditation will increasingly influence the motoring public in their decisions as to where to have their vehicles repaired.

The RMI has a full-time consumer complaints division with representation from divisional offices in Randburg, Pretoria, Durban, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. These divisions are all on standby to resolve customer complaints speedily and to provide peace of mind to motorists. The RMI is widely recognised as the leading voice in the retail automotive aftermarket sector and this is what they have to say:

In an industry that is overtraded in most sectors, we are constantly telling the consumer that by dealing exclusively with RMI members, they will have “peace of mind” knowing that they are protected by our Code of Conduct which ensures fair and reasonable prices, quality goods, a guarantee of parts and services and a recourse should they not be satisfied.