
The Suspension System

Suspension System Suspension Components, Types and Issues The suspension of your vehicle is another system of the vehicle that vehicle owners easily take for granted, maybe because it is mainly out of sight and out of mind. It is easy to underestimate the importance of this system and we hope to rectify this. Harris (2017)…
Winter is Coming

Brace yourself – winter is coming!

Brace yourself – winter is coming! Doesn’t it take that much longer to get out of bed? The nights are getting longer and just like the economy, the temperature has started to drop too. It is not only you who are feeling the bitter chill in the morning, your vehicle does too! A motor vehicle…

Who Built My Car

Who built my car?

Who built my car? Today the motor vehicle is far more than just getting you from A to B. We have options such as parking sensors to sunroofs and from ceramic brakes to a flappy paddle gearbox – the list is almost endless. The vehicle has become an extension of whom we are and where…